It was released free of charge with the newspaper on Friday 06/06/2008 On the occasion of the launch of “EURO 2008”, the top European football event at the level of National teams. The “KING BET” bi-weekly newspaper was released in the beginning of June by Champions Life / guide for the top summer football event in the form of a magazine, which was be available along with the newspaper for free.
The theme of the publication included, among other things, the “EURO 2008” racing program, a tribute to our national team, a reference to major European footballers participating in the “EURO 2008”, roster of participating teams, historical elements of the event (winning teams, big footballers, notable events, etc.), the stadiums of the event, exclusive interviews with international footballers, etc.
It is reminded that KING BET is released every Tuesday and Friday all over Greece, in the shape of a small tabloid, with excellent print quality and pin. The potential of the newspaper is composed of the biggest journalist names of the betting area (Giannis Karatzaferis, Panos Papatsoris and the team of THLE ASTY, Fountou Tsounis, Lambros Garaganis, Takis Kouloumbis, Tasos Kollintzas, Yorgos Vavritsas, Xenofontas Evangelatos, Panos Dialektakos, Yannis Evangelopoulos , the Fight Club team, etc.), and is the most comprehensive betting paper.